Worship: Sundays at 10:30am


Lent Bible Study

Ash Wednesday Service: March 5,  2025 at 6:00pm

Lent Bible Study
Please join us this Lenten season as we practice community together! We are excited to offer an all-ages Sunday night event for six-weeks as well as a Thursday morning Bible study that will mirror the one offered Sunday night.

Sunday Night Live
Lent Session : March 9 through April 13
5:00 meal in the fellowship hall
5:30 age-level programs begin:
Nursery (Birth to 5 years)
Children (K-5th grade) location t.b.a.
Youth (6-12th grade) welcomed to attend
Bible study with adults or assist with Children.
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
 (no materials to purchase)
*weekly hosts needed (details below)

Thursday Morning Bible Study
Lent Session : March 6 through April 10
10:30 in the Narthex (no materials to purchase)

How many children/youth will be participating in the following age groups (choose from dropdown):

Meal Details: Registered participants will be asked to R.S.V.P. each week via email or calling the church office by Wednesday evening. Meals will be provided at no cost, although are donations welcomed.

Weekly Meal Hosts: Hosts will assume responsibility for the set-up, delivery, serving and clean-up of the Sunday evening meal. Meals will be coordinated by Sharon Blackwood.